Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New Music Releases - 5.27.08

New music releases - Tuesday - May 27, 2008:

Spiritualized - Songs in A&E
The Smithereens - Live In Concert - Greatest Hits & More
Landon Pigg - Coffee Shop
The Youngbloods - Elephant Mountain
Booka Shade - The Sun & The Neonlight
Mogwai - Young Team (Reissue)
James Pants - Welcome
Joy Electric - My Grandfather, The Cubist
Walter Meego - Voyager
The Herbaliser - Same As It Never Was
Ellen Allien - Sool
Futureheads - This Is Not The World
Midnight Juggernauts - Dystopia
Rationales - The Going And The Gone

Show: The Pulsating Sac Of Sound
When: Tuesdays 8-10pm EST
Where: WBOR 91.1 FM in Brunswick, ME at Bowdoin College
Live Show Webcast: http://www.wbor.org/wbor.m3u
Show Blog: http://thepulsatingsacofsound.blogspot.com
DJ's Website: http://www.djthroatslice.com & http://www.shrubslicer.com
Request Line: 207-725-3250


Jim said...

Caught your show for the first time. Appreciated hearing a blast from the past in Ride.

I am a former 'BOR DJ from the mid-90s. Was a community person who did a three semester gig, trying my damned well best to stay abreast of all the new indie rock of the era, plus put it into some kind of historical context that I felt many of the 18-22 yr old students were incapable of. Ironically, I was about your age at the time.


robotpain said...

Thanks, Jim. Yeah, I'm a huge shoegazer, madchester fan and am constantly trying to remind people that good music encompasses "everything" new and old. If it's good, I'll play it. It's hard to cut through the chaff and find the good nuggets as time goes on. Music blogs have been my venue of choice to find new and out-of-the-way stuff these days.